Get Loaded Image Information

Once an image has been loaded into an ImageX object, information about the image is available through the properties and methods of the ImageX object.

Get Image Data

Number of Pages: To get the number of pages in the image, use ImageX.PageCount (read-only property). 

The PageCount will not be valid if the image was loaded FromStream, since page count information is not available when streaming.

Current Page:  To get or set the page to be viewed or processed, use the ImageX.Page property.

Resolution:  Use one of the following to get the resolution of the image:

Tags: To get the tag collection associated with the ImageX object, use the ImageX.Tags property.

Color Palette: To get the color palette used for the ImageX image, use the ImageX.Palette property. 

Load Options Used: To get information on how the image was loaded, use ImageX.LoadOptions (read only property).

Image Data: To get other data about the image, such as bit depth, color space, compression of original image, file format and size, use the read-only properties in ImageXData 

Monitoring the Status of an ImageX Object

The ImageX.ImageStatusEvent and ImageX.ProgressEvent events raise to provide feedback on the status of the image as it is viewed, processed, or saved. 

See Also



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